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List of ports in Northern Atlantic Spain (East to West)

Basque Country - Bay of Biscay (Atlantic Ocean)
  • Pasaia
  • Bilbao-Port of Bilbao: The Port of Bilbao is located on the Bilbao Abra bay, and along the Estuary of Bilbao, in Biscay (Basque Country). The main facilities are in the Santurtzi and Zierbena municipalities, approximately 15 km (9.3 mi) west of Bilbao. Also called Exterior Port and Superpuerto, the port complex occupies 3.13 km² (773 acres) of land and 16.94 km² (4,186 acres) of water along 17 km (10.6 mi) of waterfront. The container volume was over half a million TEUs (twenty-foot equivalent units) in year 2007. The Port is the 4th busiest port in Spain after Algeciras, Barcelona and Valencia. It is Spain's largest port.[http://www.bilbaoport.eus/en/]
Cantabria - Bay of Biscay (Atlantic Ocean)
  • Santander: El Puerto de Santander, Cantabria (España), se sitúa en el mar Cantábrico, concretamente en la Bahía de Santander, en los municipios de Santander, Camargo y Marina de Cudeyo. Está gestionado por la Autoridad Portuaria de Santander, dependiente del ente público Puertos del Estado y a su vez administrado por el Ministerio de Fomento de España. Pertenece a la provincia marítima de Santander (ST). Distrito de Santander (ST-4).
Asturias - Bay of Biscay (Atlantic Ocean)
  • Gijón
  • Avilés
Galicia - Atlantic Ocean
  • Ferrol
  • A Coruña
  • Vilagarcía de Arousa
  • Marín
  • Port of Vigo, located in Vigo, Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain is the biggest fishing port in the world and one of the busiest in transportation. It is also home of the world's largest fishing company, Pescanova. In 2008, unloaded fish reached 751,971 tonnes. Vigo is the base for the big fishing companies which have prominent presence in countries such Namibia, South Africa, Mozambique, Australia, Argentina, the Falkland Islands, Chile and Peru, among others. Fish is sent all over Spain and abroad to countries like Portugal, Italy, France and other more distant markets including Asia. In Vigo, important international trade fairs are held, like Conxemar, an annual event dedicated to frozen fish products. The World Fishing Exhibition takes place periodically.[https://www.apvigo.es/]


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Lista de Portos - Portugal Continental

PORTOS DO CONTINENTE (de norte para sul): PORTO DE Viana do Castelo (Hinterland) (Lista Vermelha de capacidade da operação portuária para os armadores): Porto Comercial - Instalado na margem esquerda do rio Lima, o porto comercial tem capacidade instalada para cerca de 900.000 toneladas de carga/ano, encontrando-se acessível a navios até 8 metros de calado e 180 metros de comprimento. Encontra-se dotado com terminal RORO; Porto Industrial - localizado na margem direita do rio Lima, é constituído por duas unidades industriais: os Estaleiros Navais de Viana do Castelo (ENVC), dedicados à construção e reparação naval e à reconversão de embarcações e a ENERCON, indústria de fabricação de componentes para aerogeradores eólicos; Porto de Recreio - localiza-se na frente urbana da cidade, sendo constituído por duas docas situadas junto à centenária ponte Eiffel; Porto de Pesca - As instalações portuárias dedicadas a esta atividade localizam-se na margem direita do Rio Lima, sendo c...

Diferença entre «Port», «Harbour» e «Terminal»

A port is defined as an area on both land and water, whether on the sea or river, that provides facilities for shipping vessels to load and unload their cargo. This area, contained within 'port limits', will have been established over years of increasing or declining trade patterns and therefore is defined as the 'human set limits'. There may be several harbours and/or terminals within the port limits. A harbour tends to be a physical area where water meets land and results in a sheltered bay, such as Botany Bay in New South Wales, Australia. A terminal is defined as a single man-made facility that may have several berths, that handles vessels and possibly more than one type of vessel or cargo. Fonte: http://www.portinfo.co.uk/port-information/our-blog/247-what-s-the-difference-between-a-port-harbour-and-terminal Harbour is defined as a parking or storage space along the coastline, where boats, barges and ships can take shelter from bad weather or are kept for...